Plan responsible for building Docker images for the 3.x demo and development sites

Build: #2005 failed

Job: Run Cohort Builder E2E tests was successful

Job result summary

3 minutes
ff82e35c90ce9f41f84994c7c47195fb87f7f57f ff82e35c90ce9f41f84994c7c47195fb87f7f57f
Total tests
Successful since
#1844 ()
Number of retries


  • 7 tests in total
  • 50 seconds taken in total.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

/home/bamboo-agent/bamboo-agent/temp/ 1: nvm: not found
Pulling gateway    ... already exists
Pulling gateway    ... already exists
Pulling gateway    ... pulling fs layer
Pulling gateway    ... pulling fs layer
Pulling gateway    ... waiting
Pulling gateway    ... waiting
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (75.3%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (1.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (75.5%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (35.7%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (63.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (1.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... downloading (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... verifying checksum
Pulling gateway    ... download complete
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (1.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (21.5%)
Pulling gateway    ... downloading (65.5%)
Pulling gateway    ... downloading (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... verifying checksum
Pulling gateway    ... download complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (6.3%)
Pulling gateway    ... pull complete
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (48.3%)
Pulling gateway    ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (31.4%)
Pulling gateway    ... digest: sha256:7aef546d82bca57c8b...
Pulling gateway    ... status: downloaded newer image fo...
Pulling gateway    ... done
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (52.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (54.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (58.6%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (70.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (86.3%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (79.5%)
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (88.9%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (1.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (11.8%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (21.5%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (30.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (32.2%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (41.9%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (52.6%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (63.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (72.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (78.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (84.9%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (90.2%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (96.7%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... digest: sha256:f1c5d6992c5b586e78...
Pulling frontend   ... status: downloaded newer image fo...
Pulling frontend   ... done
Creating network "bamboo_test" with the default driver
Building playwright
Creating cohort-builder-e2e-tests-container ...
Creating bamboo_db_1                        ...
Creating cohort-builder-e2e-tests-container ... done
Creating bamboo_db_1                        ... done
Creating bamboo_backend_1                   ...
Creating bamboo_backend_1                   ... done
Creating bamboo_frontend_1                  ...
Creating bamboo_frontend_1                  ... done
Creating bamboo_gateway_1                   ...
Creating bamboo_gateway_1                   ... done
The USER_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
The GROUP_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Stopping bamboo_gateway_1  ...
Stopping bamboo_frontend_1 ...
Stopping bamboo_backend_1  ...
Stopping bamboo_db_1       ...
Stopping bamboo_gateway_1  ... done
Stopping bamboo_frontend_1 ... done
Stopping bamboo_backend_1  ... done
Stopping bamboo_db_1       ... done
Removing bamboo_gateway_1                   ...
Removing bamboo_frontend_1                  ...
Removing bamboo_backend_1                   ...
Removing bamboo_db_1                        ...
Removing cohort-builder-e2e-tests-container ...
Removing bamboo_gateway_1                   ... done
Removing cohort-builder-e2e-tests-container ... done
Removing bamboo_frontend_1                  ... done
Removing bamboo_db_1                        ... done
Removing bamboo_backend_1                   ... done
Removing network bamboo_test