Plan responsible for building Docker images for the 3.x demo and development sites

Build: #1843 was successful

Job: Run Form Builder E2E Tests was successful

Job result summary

4 minutes
07cadceb43f98981d936b845a32d58901b7efe0c 07cadceb43f98981d936b845a32d58901b7efe0c
Total tests
Successful since
#1831 ()


  • 8 tests in total
  • 54 seconds taken in total.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (1.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (1.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (1.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (3.4%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (3.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (22.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (31.6%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (23.7%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (23.7%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (50.9%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (45.2%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (45.2%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (65.5%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (65.5%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (73.3%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (82.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (82.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... downloading (91.6%)
Pulling frontend   ... verifying checksum
Pulling frontend   ... download complete
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (1.1%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... pull complete
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling gateway    ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (9.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (24.6%)
Pulling gateway    ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (35.8%)
Pulling gateway    ... digest: sha256:b504e66bf5704edf30...
Pulling gateway    ... status: downloaded newer image fo...
Pulling gateway    ... done
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (42.6%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (57.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (63.9%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (71.7%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (77.3%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (85.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (1.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (8.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (14.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (21.1%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (27.2%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (32.2%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (34.2%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (40.2%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (47.3%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (54.3%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (60.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (66.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (72.4%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (79.5%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (85.5%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (92.6%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (98.6%)
Pulling frontend   ... extracting (100.0%)
Pulling frontend   ... pull complete
Pulling frontend   ... digest: sha256:488a8275f6682103ac...
Pulling frontend   ... status: downloaded newer image fo...
Pulling frontend   ... done
Creating network "bamboo_test" with the default driver
Building playwright
Creating bamboo_db_1 ...
Creating form-builder-e2e-tests-container ...
Creating bamboo_db_1                      ... done
Creating bamboo_backend_1                 ...
Creating form-builder-e2e-tests-container ... done
Creating bamboo_backend_1                 ... done
Creating bamboo_frontend_1                ...
Creating bamboo_frontend_1                ... done
Creating bamboo_gateway_1                 ...
Creating bamboo_gateway_1                 ... done
The USER_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
The GROUP_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Stopping bamboo_gateway_1  ...
Stopping bamboo_frontend_1 ...
Stopping bamboo_backend_1  ...
Stopping bamboo_db_1       ...
Stopping bamboo_gateway_1  ... done
Stopping bamboo_frontend_1 ... done
Stopping bamboo_backend_1  ... done
Stopping bamboo_db_1       ... done
Removing bamboo_gateway_1                 ...
Removing bamboo_frontend_1                ...
Removing bamboo_backend_1                 ...
Removing bamboo_db_1                      ...
Removing form-builder-e2e-tests-container ...
Removing bamboo_frontend_1                ... done
Removing form-builder-e2e-tests-container ... done
Removing bamboo_gateway_1                 ... done
Removing bamboo_db_1                      ... done
Removing bamboo_backend_1                 ... done
Removing network bamboo_test