Build result summary
- Completed
- Queue duration
- < 1 second
- Duration
- 14 minutes
- Labels
- None
- Revisions
- Distribution
60bf33a2a802146cecdb68486776f07f89d35301 - Release scripts
- Failing since
- #14483 (Changes by Wikum Weerakutti <> – )
- Fixed in
- #14485 (Child of CSM-CSM-3592)
This build has been failing since #14483
No one has taken responsibility
Error summary for Build and push
The job generated some errors, drill down into the full build log for more details.
Progress (1): 78/86 MB
Progress (1): 78/86 MB
Progress (1): 78/86 MB
Progress (1): 78/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 80/86 MB
Progress (1): 80/86 MB
Progress (1): 80/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 86 MB
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (86 MB at 5.0 MB/s)
#22 181.2 [INFO] Copying openmrs-webapp-2.7.0-beta.war to /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs-2.7.0-beta.war
#22 182.4
#22 182.4 file:/app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs-2.7.0-beta.war
#22 182.4
#22 182.4 target:/app/package/target/distro/web
#22 182.9 [INFO] Configured Artifact: org.openmrs.module:authentication-omod:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT:jar
#22 183.0 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
#22 ...
#15 [linux/amd64 stage-1 1/5] FROM
#15 extracting sha256:876e29df38e063634d238f528f1e3978c589bbadbc586de0bdfb0717666f0dd6 0.2s done
#15 extracting sha256:d07e725816495ab7469d8170857ba07c483363d892700d859b2381abcedd6def 0.1s done
#15 extracting sha256:cba3b8659bbc154fa09ea7af8cf18ea87a8171e5a348bb11531ca9573043ea23 1.1s done
#15 extracting sha256:610dc31f8e3bc3927e4e6972e1ef5a798c302a76ada6fad37c35644defd97cd4 0.0s done
#15 extracting sha256:13822d87fa4d8ca70e38e95e7654a9b0615154c25d93cdbe15c76a992a5a04b4 0.0s done
#15 DONE 13.7s
#22 [linux/arm64 dev 4/4] RUN mvn -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml install
#22 183.2 Progress (1): 999 B
#22 ...
#15 [linux/amd64 stage-1 1/5] FROM
#15 extracting sha256:4f4fb700ef54461cfa02571ae0db9a0dc1e0cdb5577484a6d75e68dc38e8acc1 0.0s done
#15 extracting sha256:1095eadeb46c89acee9d5623cc5fe2e9ea1a4feaa73857c30883981acf5e68c5 0.0s done
#15 DONE 13.8s
#22 [linux/arm64 dev 4/4] RUN mvn -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml install
#22 183.2 Progress (1): 999 B
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (999 B at 3.2 kB/s)
#22 183.4 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
#22 183.5 Progress (1): 3.2/5.9 kB
Progress (1): 5.9 kB
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (5.9 kB at 26 kB/s)
#22 183.9 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
#22 184.0 Progress (1): 609 B
#22 ...
#15 [linux/amd64 stage-1 1/5] FROM
#15 extracting sha256:89d48f2ea3fdd88bf956c4ace7d3ab8213c2201afbdace9ad74d2563929eb9e2 0.8s done
#15 DONE 14.6s
#23 [linux/amd64 stage-1 2/5] COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs.war /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/
#23 ERROR: write /var/lib/buildkit/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/3258/fs/openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/openmrs.war: no space left on device
#22 [linux/arm64 dev 4/4] RUN mvn -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml install
#22 184.0 Progress (1): 609 B
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (609 B at 2.4 kB/s)
#22 184.1 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
> [linux/amd64 stage-1 2/5] COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs.war /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/:
19 |
20 | # Do not copy the war if using the correct openmrs-core image version
21 | >>> COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs.war /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/
22 |
23 | COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/ /openmrs/distribution
error: failed to solve: ResourceExhausted: failed to compute cache key: write /var/lib/buildkit/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/3258/fs/openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/openmrs.war: no space left on device
Progress (1): 78/86 MB
Progress (1): 78/86 MB
Progress (1): 78/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 79/86 MB
Progress (1): 80/86 MB
Progress (1): 80/86 MB
Progress (1): 80/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 81/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 82/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 83/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 84/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 85/86 MB
Progress (1): 86 MB
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (86 MB at 5.0 MB/s)
#22 181.2 [INFO] Copying openmrs-webapp-2.7.0-beta.war to /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs-2.7.0-beta.war
#22 182.4
#22 182.4 file:/app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs-2.7.0-beta.war
#22 182.4
#22 182.4 target:/app/package/target/distro/web
#22 182.9 [INFO] Configured Artifact: org.openmrs.module:authentication-omod:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT:jar
#22 183.0 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
#22 ...
#15 [linux/amd64 stage-1 1/5] FROM
#15 extracting sha256:876e29df38e063634d238f528f1e3978c589bbadbc586de0bdfb0717666f0dd6 0.2s done
#15 extracting sha256:d07e725816495ab7469d8170857ba07c483363d892700d859b2381abcedd6def 0.1s done
#15 extracting sha256:cba3b8659bbc154fa09ea7af8cf18ea87a8171e5a348bb11531ca9573043ea23 1.1s done
#15 extracting sha256:610dc31f8e3bc3927e4e6972e1ef5a798c302a76ada6fad37c35644defd97cd4 0.0s done
#15 extracting sha256:13822d87fa4d8ca70e38e95e7654a9b0615154c25d93cdbe15c76a992a5a04b4 0.0s done
#15 DONE 13.7s
#22 [linux/arm64 dev 4/4] RUN mvn -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml install
#22 183.2 Progress (1): 999 B
#22 ...
#15 [linux/amd64 stage-1 1/5] FROM
#15 extracting sha256:4f4fb700ef54461cfa02571ae0db9a0dc1e0cdb5577484a6d75e68dc38e8acc1 0.0s done
#15 extracting sha256:1095eadeb46c89acee9d5623cc5fe2e9ea1a4feaa73857c30883981acf5e68c5 0.0s done
#15 DONE 13.8s
#22 [linux/arm64 dev 4/4] RUN mvn -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml install
#22 183.2 Progress (1): 999 B
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (999 B at 3.2 kB/s)
#22 183.4 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
#22 183.5 Progress (1): 3.2/5.9 kB
Progress (1): 5.9 kB
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (5.9 kB at 26 kB/s)
#22 183.9 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
#22 184.0 Progress (1): 609 B
#22 ...
#15 [linux/amd64 stage-1 1/5] FROM
#15 extracting sha256:89d48f2ea3fdd88bf956c4ace7d3ab8213c2201afbdace9ad74d2563929eb9e2 0.8s done
#15 DONE 14.6s
#23 [linux/amd64 stage-1 2/5] COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs.war /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/
#23 ERROR: write /var/lib/buildkit/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/3258/fs/openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/openmrs.war: no space left on device
#22 [linux/arm64 dev 4/4] RUN mvn -s /usr/share/maven/ref/settings-docker.xml install
#22 184.0 Progress (1): 609 B
Downloaded from openmrs-repo: (609 B at 2.4 kB/s)
#22 184.1 Downloading from openmrs-repo:
> [linux/amd64 stage-1 2/5] COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs.war /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/:
19 |
20 | # Do not copy the war if using the correct openmrs-core image version
21 | >>> COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/openmrs.war /openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/
22 |
23 | COPY --from=dev /app/package/target/distro/web/ /openmrs/distribution
error: failed to solve: ResourceExhausted: failed to compute cache key: write /var/lib/buildkit/runc-overlayfs/snapshots/snapshots/3258/fs/openmrs/distribution/openmrs_core/openmrs.war: no space left on device