Deploys Reference Application SNAPSHOT to maven

Build: #1866 failed Rebuilt 2 times

Stages & jobs

  1. Create Reference Application packages

  2. Deploy to Automated Functional Test Server

  3. Create Standalone and Run UI Tests

  4. Deploy to Manual Test Server

Build result summary


Queue duration
< 1 second
214 minutes
e5ac5713b3c6deb4da9d2b18c807355aaf861eef e5ac5713b3c6deb4da9d2b18c807355aaf861eef
Standalone RA
e079223a12d083467bfdf179d69959b8befcecdf e079223a12d083467bfdf179d69959b8befcecdf
Total tests
Failing since
#1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485)
Fixed in
#1868 (Manual run by Wyclif Luyima)
Number of retries
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.


  • 0 New failures
  • 0 Existing failures
  • 7 Fixed

Configuration changes

Some of the jobs or stages referenced by this result no longer exist.

Restarting failed/incomplete builds only is not possible as some of the affected jobs no longer exist.


Fixed tests 7
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
Successful CheckModules checkModules History
Failing since build #1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485) Run UI tests on Travis 9 secs
Successful LoginTest verifyClerkModulesAvailableOnHomePage History
Failing since build #1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485) Run UI tests on Travis 12 secs
Successful LoginTest verifyModulesAvailableOnHomePage History
Failing since build #1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485) Run UI tests on Travis 3 secs
Successful LoginTest verifyNurseModulesAvailableOnHomePage History
Failing since build #1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485) Run UI tests on Travis 10 secs
Successful LoginTest verifyDoctorModulesAvailableOnHomePage History
Failing since build #1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485) Run UI tests on Travis 11 secs
Successful RegistrationAppTest registerAPatient History
Failing since build #1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485) Run UI tests on Travis 20 secs
Successful VisitTest testStartVisit History
Failing since build #1865 (Child of RDD-RDD-485) Run UI tests on Travis 15 secs