Deploys Reference Application SNAPSHOT to maven

Build: #3896 failed Changes by Rafal Korytkowski

Stages & jobs

  1. Create Reference Application packages

  2. Deploy to Automated Functional Test Server

  3. Run UI Tests

  4. Deploy to Manual Test Server

  5. Release

    Requires a user to start manually
  6. Create Standalone

Build result summary


Queue duration
1 second
16 minutes
86c7154ede85ac6e0ac3d1cf3c8ca0df7b5de3c0 86c7154ede85ac6e0ac3d1cf3c8ca0df7b5de3c0
Standalone RA
2cc1eedc8952f87a71cc34e7c976f30d82d62c32 2cc1eedc8952f87a71cc34e7c976f30d82d62c32
Release scripts
a9c6b4741f415820e397e9b150cf80baca7f9368 a9c6b4741f415820e397e9b150cf80baca7f9368
Total tests
Failing since
#3888 (Child of UITF-UITF-51)
Fixed in
#3901 (Changes by Rafal Korytkowski)


This build has been failing since #3888
No one has taken responsibility

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Rafal Korytkowski Rafal Korytkowski 86c7154ede85ac6e0ac3d1cf3c8ca0df7b5de3c0 86c7154ede85ac6e0ac3d1cf3c8ca0df7b5de3c0 Fixed user password test

Configuration changes

Some of the jobs or stages referenced by this result no longer exist.

Restarting failed/incomplete builds only is not possible as some of the affected jobs no longer exist.


New test failures 1
Status Test View job Duration
Collapse Failed FindPatientByIdAndNameTest findPatientByIdAndNameTest History
Run UI tests on Travis 44 secs
org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 30 seconds waiting for presence of element located by: By.xpath: //a[@href='/openmrs/logout']
Build info: version: '2.45.0', revision: '5017cb8e7ca8e37638dc3091b2440b90a1d8686f', time: '2015-02-27 09:10:26'
System info: host: 'gw108', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '3.13.0-49-generic', java.version: '1.7.0_79'
Session ID: 48a3ad925f3842c594012f180ec47f65
Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver
Capabilities [{platform=LINUX, acceptSslCerts=true, javascriptEnabled=true, hasMetadata=true, browserName=chrome, chrome={userDataDir=/tmp/}, rotatable=false, mobileEmulationEnabled=false, locationContextEnabled=true, webdriver.remote.sessionid=48a3ad925f3842c594012f180ec47f65, version=41.0.2272.76, takesHeapSnapshot=true, cssSelectorsEnabled=true, databaseEnabled=false, handlesAlerts=true, browserConnectionEnabled=false, webStorageEnabled=true, nativeEvents=true, applicationCacheEnabled=false, takesScreenshot=true}]
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor29.newInstance(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
(18 more lines...)
Existing test failures 1
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 30 seconds waiting for presence of element located by: By.xpath: //a[@href='/openmrs/logout']
Build info: version: '2.45.0', revision: '5017cb8e7ca8e37638dc3091b2440b90a1d8686f', time: '2015-02-27 09:10:26'
System info: host: 'gw108', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '3.13.0-49-generic', java.version: '1.7.0_79'
Session ID: 885adcbf31b14a1cb504636db5a5eab4
Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver
Capabilities [{platform=LINUX, acceptSslCerts=true, javascriptEnabled=true, hasMetadata=true, browserName=chrome, chrome={userDataDir=/tmp/}, rotatable=false, mobileEmulationEnabled=false, locationContextEnabled=true, webdriver.remote.sessionid=885adcbf31b14a1cb504636db5a5eab4, version=41.0.2272.76, takesHeapSnapshot=true, cssSelectorsEnabled=true, databaseEnabled=false, handlesAlerts=true, browserConnectionEnabled=false, webStorageEnabled=true, nativeEvents=true, applicationCacheEnabled=false, takesScreenshot=true}]
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor29.newInstance(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
(18 more lines...)
Fixed tests 4
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
Successful AddPastVisitTest addPastVisitTest History
Failing since build #3895 (Manual run by Rafal Korytkowski) Run UI tests on Travis 2 mins
Successful MergePatientByNameTest mergePatientByNameTest History
Failing since build #3888 (Child of UITF-UITF-51) Run UI tests on Travis 3 mins
Successful PasswordMinimumLengthTest passwordMinimumLengthTest History
Failing since build #3892 (Child of UITF-UITF-53) Run UI tests on Travis 5 mins
Successful PasswordUpperAndLowerCaseTest passwordUpperAndLowerCaseTest History
Failing since build #3895 (Manual run by Rafal Korytkowski) Run UI tests on Travis 5 mins