Deploys Reference Application SNAPSHOT to maven

Build: #14371 failed

Job: Deploy to qa-refapp failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Build and push

  2. Deploy to qa-refapp

  3. Release

    Requires a user to start manually
  4. Set variables

  5. Release others

Job result summary

5 minutes
9571ec40cf927630b071d7e72d912b27049120f8 9571ec40cf927630b071d7e72d912b27049120f8
Fixed in
#14373 (Child of CSM-CSM-3539)
Number of retries
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/bamboo-agent/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

+ docker pull openmrs/openmrs-reference-application@sha256:32dbc6beb98a14d6c901cfac27e0bdf6dda943b81d8e41dd9d2e22f68299b117
+ docker tag openmrs/openmrs-reference-application@sha256:32dbc6beb98a14d6c901cfac27e0bdf6dda943b81d8e41dd9d2e22f68299b117 openmrs/openmrs-reference-application:qa
+ docker push openmrs/openmrs-reference-application:qa
+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null sudo deploy-compose qa-refapp
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
The OPENMRS_DB_URL variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql ...
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication       ...
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication       ... pulling from openmrs/openmrs-refe...
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql ... pulling from library/mysql
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication       ... digest: sha256:66706d5e50110cbee4...
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication       ... status: image is up to date for o...
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication       ... done
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql ... digest: sha256:20575ecebe6216036d...
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql ... status: image is up to date for m...
Pulling openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql ... done
The OPENMRS_DB_URL variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Stopping qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication_1       ...
Stopping qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql_1 ...
Stopping qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication_1       ... done
Stopping qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql_1 ... done
Removing qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication_1       ...
Removing qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql_1 ...
Removing qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql_1 ... done
Removing qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication_1       ... done
Removing network qa-refapp_default
Removing volume qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql-data
The OPENMRS_DB_URL variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Creating network "qa-refapp_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql-data" with default driver
Creating qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql_1 ...
Creating qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication-mysql_1 ... done
Creating qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication_1       ...
Creating qa-refapp_openmrs-referenceapplication_1       ... done