Deploys Reference Application SNAPSHOT to maven

Build: #4145 failed

Job: Run UI tests on Travis failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Create Reference Application packages

  2. Deploy to Automated Functional Test Server

  3. Run UI Tests

  4. Deploy to Manual Test Server

  5. Release

    Requires a user to start manually
  6. Create Standalone

Test results

  • 63 tests in total
  • 1 test failed
  • 32 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 88 minutes taken in total.

Build 4,145 has the following 1 errors:There were no new test failures since the previous build.

Existing test failures 1
Status Test Failing since Duration
org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 15 seconds waiting for visibility of element located by By.xpath: //table[@id='openmrsSearchTable']/tbody/tr/td
Build info: version: '2.45.0', revision: '5017cb8e7ca8e37638dc3091b2440b90a1d8686f', time: '2015-02-27 09:10:26'
System info: host: 'gw107', ip: '', 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '3.13.0-45-generic', java.version: '1.7.0_79'
Session ID: 93cab35c572e447c9f8956a98e5c7475
Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver
Capabilities [{platform=LINUX, acceptSslCerts=true, javascriptEnabled=true, hasMetadata=true, browserName=firefox, rotatable=false, locationContextEnabled=true, webdriver.remote.sessionid=93cab35c572e447c9f8956a98e5c7475, version=42.0, cssSelectorsEnabled=true, databaseEnabled=true, handlesAlerts=true, webStorageEnabled=true, nativeEvents=false, applicationCacheEnabled=true, takesScreenshot=true}]
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