Testing releases from Bamboo, feel free to run. More details of the release in https://wiki.openmrs.org/x/i4DTAw
Build: #286 failed Manual run from the stage: Release by Wikum Chamith Weerakutti
Code commits
Release scripts
Rafal Korytkowski ced9ff00825ca1cb8c744547be4ba8ff994bd71b
Do not set permissions as it fails
- scp-to-sourceforge.sh (version ced9ff00825ca1cb8c744547be4ba8ff994bd71b)
Burke Mamlin <burke@openmrs.org> 39269cb8f38c786e7c5c4df804871bc2073177ad
ITSM-4320: upgrade sourceforce key to ED25519
- scp-to-sourceforge.sh (version 39269cb8f38c786e7c5c4df804871bc2073177ad)