Release Plan for stock management

Build: #12 was successful

Job: Release to Maven did not start

Stages & jobs

  1. Test module

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Code commits


  • Lubwama Samuel <>

    Lubwama Samuel <> e8ee5d36d41906bbafe46ff4494425bdc02f9568

    O3-3074 :Add condition in search for catch null UOMUuid in the method findStockOperationItems (#16)
    O3-3074 :Add condition in search for catch null UOMUuid in the method findStockOperationItems (#16)

    • api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/stockmanagement/api/dao/ (version e8ee5d36d41906bbafe46ff4494425bdc02f9568)
  • Lubwama Samuel <>

    Lubwama Samuel <> a4aec049deeb4ac9de4e286d87791e3b2c39cc83

    O3-3073: change module api dependency in the omod to reference the parent rather than manually pointing to a version (#14)

    • omod/pom.xml (version a4aec049deeb4ac9de4e286d87791e3b2c39cc83)
  • Lubwama Samuel <>

    Lubwama Samuel <> d27843ef2b6968ba39b1288a07f65e695c8cb06c

    O3-3071: Display expiry date on batch during issuing of stock in OWA project (#15)
    O3-3071: Display expiry date on batch during issuing of stock in OWA project (#15)

    • owa/src/features/stockOperations/StockOperationItemsTable.tsx (version d27843ef2b6968ba39b1288a07f65e695c8cb06c)