Sonar metrics for OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #301 was successful Scheduled with changes by 5 people

Jira issues

This page shows the Jira issues that have been linked to this build. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments, as well as issues manually linked to this build.

Related issues (8 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Operations
Bug TRUNK-2312 1.8-RC Top menu background does not expand when the list of items go to second row Closed Radosław Puzdrowski Platform 1.11.0 6 related builds
Bug TRUNK-2776 Date Picker: Start of the week should be configurable Closed Jakub Kondrat Platform 1.11.0 4 related builds
Bug TRUNK-2801 Program/Workflow should also support purging from the web interface Closed Jakub Kondrat Platform 1.11.0 8 related builds
Bug TRUNK-3940 Multiple Stored XSS via Concept Name Closed Wyclif Luyima Platform 1.11.0 8 related builds
New Feature TRUNK-3963 Visit validator should prevent or allow overlapping of visits depending on global property Closed Paweł Muchowski Platform 1.9.9, Platform 1.10.2, Platform 1.11.0, Platform 2.0.0 13 related builds
Bug TRUNK-3967 Need to have option to unvoid Person on UI Closed Jakub Kondrat Platform 1.11.0 9 related builds
Bug TRUNK-3971 Voiding a person doesn't work right Closed Jakub Kondrat Platform 1.11.0 4 related builds
Bug TRUNK-4360 links formatted incorrectly in help.jsp Closed Nithya Gubbala Platform 1.11.0 10 related builds