Sonar metrics for OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #392 was successful Scheduled with changes by Daniel Kayiwa and Jakub Kondrat <>

Code commits


  • Daniel Kayiwa

    Daniel Kayiwa 95b7ee1247a25cd2535f04f2b81d33957c95de80

    Merge pull request #1309 from jkondrat/TRUNK-4534
    TRUNK-4534 - The scripts on the long patient form get broken if a patien...

  • Jakub Kondrat <>

    Jakub Kondrat <> e3e2b9a2af4366cd672f4e4c0e03ff957190c9dc

    TRUNK-4534 - The scripts on the long patient form get broken if a patient has more than 10 identifiers

    • webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/view/admin/patients/patientForm.jsp (version e3e2b9a2af4366cd672f4e4c0e03ff957190c9dc)
    • webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/view/admin/person/personForm.jsp (version e3e2b9a2af4366cd672f4e4c0e03ff957190c9dc)