pulls translations from transifex and commits them to github

Build: #1769 failed Scheduled with changes by Parth Kanakiya <smartparth13@gmail.com> and Ian Bacher

Code commits


  • Ian Bacher

    Ian Bacher 7087c5d02264bf8e52b9deb42cdf39871b355675

    Update to using https URLs where possible

    • pom.xml (version 7087c5d02264bf8e52b9deb42cdf39871b355675)
  • Parth Kanakiya <smartparth13@gmail.com>

    Parth Kanakiya <smartparth13@gmail.com> a9724759fd1f7ca91aa466c700ca7fdf614fdbb3

    Made changes to remove XSS in displayValue param (#114)

    • omod/src/main/webapp/resources/scripts/field/personRelationship.js (version a9724759fd1f7ca91aa466c700ca7fdf614fdbb3)