pulls translations from transifex and commits them to github
Build: #393 was successful Scheduled with changes by Stephen Senkomago Musoke and Mark Goodrich <mgoodrich@pih.org>
Code commits
Mark Goodrich <mgoodrich@pih.org> 3d99dc1817fa44c302dc83bf4a34954f4cc46150
Merge pull request #27 from ssmusoke/RA-1416
RA-1416 - Added the ability to show identifiers on the patient summary page and edit their values in any section editing -
Stephen Senkomago Musoke ef4dc15b23d6b4f5c68194d7fcd2852e2cd7a654
RA-1416 - Added the ability to show identifiers on the patient summary page and edit their values in any section editing
- omod/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/registrationapp/RegistrationAppUiUtils.java (version ef4dc15b23d6b4f5c68194d7fcd2852e2cd7a654)
- omod/src/main/webapp/fragments/summary/section.gsp (version ef4dc15b23d6b4f5c68194d7fcd2852e2cd7a654)
- omod/src/main/webapp/pages/editSection.gsp (version ef4dc15b23d6b4f5c68194d7fcd2852e2cd7a654)