pulls translations from transifex and commits them to github
Build: #721 was successful Scheduled with changes by Kaweesi Joseph <kaweesi@jembi.org>
Code commits
Kaweesi Joseph <kaweesi@jembi.org> 1057a14c0330eba85e00f6431521de79726b9aff
RA-1518: Un-required afterSelectedUrl to rather bind to input the selected patient uuid & display (#154)
reset patient search input to renamed formFieldName
triggering search field change after silent patient selection- .gitignore (version 1057a14c0330eba85e00f6431521de79726b9aff)
- omod/src/main/webapp/fragments/patientsearch/patientSearchWidget.gsp (version 1057a14c0330eba85e00f6431521de79726b9aff)