pulls translations from transifex and commits them to github

Build: #950 was successful Scheduled with changes by Shao Yuan <shaoyuan_chewchia@college.harvard.edu>

Build result summary


Queue duration
7 seconds
1 minute
Release scripts
8ad880e0b0c21a2d094411a51f7951e0b9148c4a 8ad880e0b0c21a2d094411a51f7951e0b9148c4a
4a613a5910e84de5489b06a93090dc4cdd4ddb0d 4a613a5910e84de5489b06a93090dc4cdd4ddb0d
9acec2d92ff0c5d8528d6333c60818565eea30cc 9acec2d92ff0c5d8528d6333c60818565eea30cc
cbf6897ed38aa484b612d89b69055770671c4b70 cbf6897ed38aa484b612d89b69055770671c4b70
3d98f231cc32fa32b8a2e4206c27ae8a28365425 3d98f231cc32fa32b8a2e4206c27ae8a28365425
6446708be2306a02a7d3969c6ba5e0e7aa96ac59 6446708be2306a02a7d3969c6ba5e0e7aa96ac59
e9c0c4d9a4a64fce55263e9cc5cb35c9b9ae10d6 e9c0c4d9a4a64fce55263e9cc5cb35c9b9ae10d6
51fa36d47cbbb11c6de2a128a2f8a98bdbc14a7d 51fa36d47cbbb11c6de2a128a2f8a98bdbc14a7d
f45bd5919a60913b866dc1a77ce7ff97087ffca2 f45bd5919a60913b866dc1a77ce7ff97087ffca2
7780000b214e12591ab02f444f94c95d69451960 7780000b214e12591ab02f444f94c95d69451960
a647ca37311adfff71c4bcb131b0f89733a3bb6a a647ca37311adfff71c4bcb131b0f89733a3bb6a
392b0311ed3cdd2481266239b35c1214a25699b3 392b0311ed3cdd2481266239b35c1214a25699b3
d8e1ecf932dc22597594bce8afb2f8c59aea1386 d8e1ecf932dc22597594bce8afb2f8c59aea1386
a9a47b2c2538589e703f7e63873b1a39af2f1b76 a9a47b2c2538589e703f7e63873b1a39af2f1b76
85598b8377d58a6e1286129409a766bbd1508ffe 85598b8377d58a6e1286129409a766bbd1508ffe
a31357672126eed137982d59fdfc1d7fc534b949 a31357672126eed137982d59fdfc1d7fc534b949
Successful since
#918 ()

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Shao Yuan <shaoyuan_chewchia@college.harvard.edu> Shao Yuan <shaoyuan_chewchia@college.harvard.edu> 51fa36d47cbbb11c6de2a128a2f8a98bdbc14a7d 51fa36d47cbbb11c6de2a128a2f8a98bdbc14a7d #426 Added pushing identifier changes to Openempi (#153)
Expose javascript methods for patient widget

ITNFA-30: Added possibility to change row selection handler in patientSearchWidget

ITNFA-30: Added 'Only in MPI' label

ITNFA-30: Changed label text to 'Not imported'

ITNFA-30: Added translations according to the Nathaelf's proposals

Adding support for coded obs and group obs in obsacrossencounters widget

RA-1001: Update all modules that use Transifex to support all languages we support (#130)

committing translations from transifex

Making conditionally loaded classes available for the entire platform

RA-1465: Move ConditionListUI to coreapps (#133)

* RA-1465: Move ConditionListUI to coreapps

fix includes on conditions widget

committing translations from transifex

RA-1465: Move ConditionListUI to coreapps (#135)

change AwaitingAdmissions report so that it formats all OpenMRS Objects within the report to avoid lazy loading exception at rendering time

Renaming some beans to avoid conflict with changes from TRUNK-5353

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.19.0

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

TRUNK-5343: Create an api-2.2 sub module for the coreapps module. (#136)

patient search widget: don't clear results list until new search commences

TRUNK-5343: Create an api-pre2.2 sub module for the coreapps module. (#137)

TRUNK-5343: Create a new EncounterDiagnosesElement for the new api version 2.2 (#138)

Fixing failing tests for: TRUNK-5343: Create a new
EncounterDiagnosesElement for the new api-2.2

Deleting the shared EncounterDiagnosisElement such that it loads one
basing on the running platform: TRUNK-5343

Fixing NoClassDefFoundError for EncounterDiagnosesElement - TRUNK-5343

Fixing NPE when diagnosis existing obs is null - TRUNK-5343

TRUNK-5343: Update license header for EncounterDiagnosesElement.java in api-pre2.2 sub-module. (#139)

TRUNK-5343: Fix JSON parse error when existingObs is null. (#140)

obsacrossencounter: make getObservationsForConcept null-safe

updateSearchResults: make patient identifier null-safe

TRUNK-5343: Fix duplicating diagnoses when saving a visit note and implements deleting of diagnoses on a visit note (#141)

RA-1489: Formatted Obs Across Encounters for Concepts Dates and coded obs (#143)

TRUNK-5343: Fix the failure to delete an existing diagnosis when adding a new visit note (#144)

RA-1484 Changed the default value of the sticky notes GP to CIEL:165095

PROV-93, capture CHW birthdate (#145)

PROV-93, overwrite birthdate estimated field (#146)

* PROV-93, overwrite birthdate estimated field

* PROV-93, refactor with Boolean.TRUE

RA-1474: Coreapps: Patient Search Widget performed redundant search when running on OpenMRS 2.1.x (#142)

* RA-1474: Coreapps: Patient Search Widget performed redundant search when
running on OpenMRS 2.1.x

* Addressing changes proposed by Mr. Goodrich: changing code convention things that were missed, and added issue link in comments to added code.

* Removing unnecessary parameter

* gsp updates

Revert "RA-1474: Coreapps: Patient Search Widget performed redundant search when running on OpenMRS 2.1.x (#142)" (#148)

This reverts commit 2fcdc62026523154ab430d5a48179dc35b730f4c.

Enhancement to allow use of patient id or uuid when accessing mark patient dead page (#150)

Updated reference to SEDISH to MPI to make it more generic

[MPI-1] changed implementation of patientRegistrationEvents and Editted events to use OpenMRS Object CREATED and UPDATED subcribable events

Jira issues

5 more issues…
Unknown Issue TypeITNFA-30Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeMPI-1Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypePROV-93Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeRA-1001Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeRA-1465Could not obtain issue details from Jira