pulls translations from transifex and commits them to github
Build: #2147 failed
Job: allergyapi failed
This build has the following metadata. These are property key value pairs describing the build. You can specify your own metadata in the build process via apps.
Key | Value |
bamboo.system.getTestsToPass | |
buildKey | TRAN-TRAN-ALP |
buildNumber | 2147 |
buildTimeStamp | 2022-06-04T01:03:16.650Z |
ScheduledTriggerReason.scheduledDate | 2022-06-04 01:03:09 +0000 |
The following parameters have been used by this build.
Name | Value |
transifex.password | ******** |
refapp.distro.dev.branch | master |
dockerhub.password | ******** |
docs.aws.secret.key | ******** |
dockerhub.username | openmrsci |
docker.image.platforms | linux/amd64,linux/arm64 |
preparing.refapp.distro.release | false |
refapp.distro.scm | git@github.com:openmrs/openmrs-distro-referenceapplication.git |
mavenBuildGoals | clean install |
refapp.bamboo.build.number | |
transifex.username | api |
docs.aws.access.key | AKIAI7KMDL5KP2673G7A |