pulls translations from transifex and commits them to github

Build: #1280 was successful

Job: htmlformentryui was successful

Code commits


  • kml27 <long27km@uw.edu>

    kml27 <long27km@uw.edu> b3c16e19bea14b0490cd5ba9adf99a8a2ae35329

    HTML-714: Allow customizing View Encounter Print button functionality.
    * adding ability to provide custom print functionality in another module via GP to print button in HFE UI encounter view controller

    * HTML-714 : adding ability to customize HFE-UI print button in view encounter, changing variable names to match HFE-UI naming conventions

    * HTML-714 : fixing indentation to match current module convention

    * HTML-714 : changing to @SpringBean annotated param, moving target default '_self' to config.xml

    • omod/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/htmlformentryui/page/controller/htmlform/ViewEncounterWithHtmlFormPageController.java (version b3c16e19bea14b0490cd5ba9adf99a8a2ae35329)
    • omod/src/main/resources/config.xml (version b3c16e19bea14b0490cd5ba9adf99a8a2ae35329)
    • omod/src/main/webapp/pages/htmlform/viewEncounterWithHtmlForm.gsp (version b3c16e19bea14b0490cd5ba9adf99a8a2ae35329)