pulls translations from transifex and commits them to github

Build: #207 did not complete

Job: radiology was successful

Code commits


  • Ivo Ulrich <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com>

    Ivo Ulrich <teleivo@users.noreply.github.com> 5ebd49d2c98902dd42725b861c1409194c3a7dbc

    Merge pull request #511 from teleivo/validator-tests
    Extract a test helper class for testing Validators

  • teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com>

    teleivo <mrteleivo@gmail.com> ab372558e50e4b3158c91de09848408710c206bb

    Extract a test helper class for testing Validators
    * extract a test helper class to reduce duplcation in testing Validators
    * arrange ValidatorTests similarly, make Errors, Validator under test
    and the valid object a member of the test class to remove boilerplate
    in tests
    * arrange tests in Arrange, Act, Assert style
    * split the null, empty string, whitespace tests into separate tests so
    they do not depend on each other

    • api/src/test/java/org/openmrs/module/radiology/modality/RadiologyModalityValidatorTest.java (version ab372558e50e4b3158c91de09848408710c206bb)
    • api/src/test/java/org/openmrs/module/radiology/order/RadiologyOrderValidatorTest.java (version ab372558e50e4b3158c91de09848408710c206bb)
    • api/src/test/java/org/openmrs/module/radiology/report/RadiologyReportValidatorTest.java (version ab372558e50e4b3158c91de09848408710c206bb)
    • api/src/test/java/org/openmrs/module/radiology/test/ValidatorAssertions.java (version ab372558e50e4b3158c91de09848408710c206bb)