OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #1323 was successful

Job: Deploy was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Build and Test

  2. Deploy

  3. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Code commits


  • Wyclif Luyima

    Wyclif Luyima c8f371c289f5c19cf38dad251878e8a0e5da6864

    Merge pull request #1828 from teleivo/TRUNK-4938
    ConceptService.getConceptSourceByName privilege annotation wrong - TRUNK-4938

  • teleivo <>

    teleivo <> c57dfb67b2761d0801ce5c708c2e810e88c4c7ad

    TRUNK-4938 ConceptService.getConceptSourceByName privilege annotation wrong
    ConceptService.getConceptSourceByName which is 1 of the 3 methods to get a
    ConceptSource via ConceptService requires a different privilege than the other
    2 (it needs GET_CONCEPTS, while the other 2 GET_CONCEPT_SOURCES).

    • api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/api/ (version c57dfb67b2761d0801ce5c708c2e810e88c4c7ad)