OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #272 was successful

Job: Build and Test was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Job result summary

6 minutes
4eb52bb36a5f0564d16a310b11ca5725fb3768fc 4eb52bb36a5f0564d16a310b11ca5725fb3768fc
Total tests
First to pass since
#271 (Code changes detected – )
Number of retries

Configuration changes

Job Build and Test with key TRUNK-MASTER-JOB1 no longer exists.


  • 2,768 tests in total
  • 234 tests were fixed
  • 4 minutes taken in total.
Fixed tests 234
Status Test Failing since Duration
Successful SchedulerFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldNotRescheduleATaskThatIsNotCurrentlyScheduled History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful SchedulerFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldNotRescheduleAnExecutingTask History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) 1 sec
Successful SchedulerFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldRescheduleACurrentlyScheduledTask History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful SchedulerFormTest addANewTaskShouldNotError History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful TaskHelperTest getScheduledTaskDefinition_shouldReturnATaskThatHasBeenStarted History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful TaskHelperTest getTime_shouldGetATimeInTheFuture History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful TaskHelperTest getTime_shouldGetATimeInThePast History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful TaskHelperTest getUnscheduledTaskDefinition_shouldReturnATaskThatHasNotBeenStarted History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful TaskHelperTest waitUntilTaskIsExecuting_shouldRaiseATimeoutExceptionWhenTheTimeoutIsExceeded History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful TaskHelperTest waitUntilTaskIsExecuting_shouldWaitUntilTaskIsExecuting History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldAuthenticateAsUserWithValidSecretQuestion History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldGiveUserFiveSecretAnswerAttemptsAfterLessThanFiveFailedUsernameAttempts History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldLoadPageNormallyWithNoInput History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldLockOutAfterFiveFailedInvalidSecretAnswers History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldLockOutAfterFiveFailedInvalidUsernames History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldNotAuthenticateAfterFiveFailedInvalidUsernames History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldNotAuthenticateAsUserWithValidSecretQuestion History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ForgotPasswordFormControllerTest shouldNotNotFailOnNotFoundUsername History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldAddANewConceptMapToAnExistingConcept History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldAddANewConceptMapWhenCreatingAConcept History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldCopyNumericValuesIntoNumericConcepts History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldDisplayNumericValuesFromTable History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldIgnoreNewConceptMapRowIfTheUserDidNotSelectATerm History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldNotSaveChangesIfThereAreValidationErrors History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldRemoveAConceptMapFromAnExistingConcept History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldReturnAConceptWithANullIdIfNoMatchIsFound History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldSetTheLocalPreferredName History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest onSubmit_shouldVoidASynonymMarkedAsPreferredWhenItIsRemoved History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldAddConceptWithAllNamingSpecified History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldAddConceptWithNameAndShortNameAndDescriptionSpecifiedToCodeConcepts History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldAddConceptWithNameAndShortNameAndDescriptionSpecifiedToNumericConcepts History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldAddConceptWithNameAndShortNameSpecified History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldAddConceptWithOnlyNameSpecified History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldEditConceptComplex History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldGetConcept History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldNotDeleteConceptsWhenConceptsAreLocked History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldRemoveConceptAnswer History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldRemoveConceptAnswersIfDatatypeChangedFromCoded History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldRemoveConceptSet History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldReplacePreviousDescription History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldUpdateConceptByAddingName History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldUpdateConceptWithNameAlreadyInSynonymList History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldUpdateConceptWithShortNameAlreadyInSynonymList History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest shouldVoidShortName History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest validateConceptReferenceTermUsesPersistedObjects_shouldAddErrorIfMapTypeIsNotSaved History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest validateConceptReferenceTermUsesPersistedObjects_shouldAddErrorIfSourceIsNotSaved History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful ConceptFormControllerTest validateConceptReferenceTermUsesPersistedObjects_shouldAddErrorIfTermBIsNotSaved History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful GlobalPropertyPortletControllerTest populateModel_shouldExcludeMultiplePrefixes History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful GlobalPropertyPortletControllerTest setupModelForModule_shouldChangeModelIfForModuleIsPresent History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec
Successful GlobalPropertyPortletControllerTest setupModelForModule_shouldNotChangeModeIfForModuleIsNotPresent History
Failing since build #271 (Code changes detected) < 1 sec