OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #3122 did not complete

Job: Unit Test was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Build

  2. Test

  3. Deploy

  4. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Job result summary

6 minutes
First to pass since
#3121 (Manual run by Rafal Korytkowski)

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

+ export IMAGE=openmrs/openmrs-core@sha256:29244b0d2f3c84aa0b4ddf210fafb83c8deda895f6df433e22cd34cc2cb52a75
+ IMAGE=openmrs/openmrs-core@sha256:29244b0d2f3c84aa0b4ddf210fafb83c8deda895f6df433e22cd34cc2cb52a75
+ docker pull openmrs/openmrs-core@sha256:29244b0d2f3c84aa0b4ddf210fafb83c8deda895f6df433e22cd34cc2cb52a75
+ docker run --rm openmrs/openmrs-core@sha256:29244b0d2f3c84aa0b4ddf210fafb83c8deda895f6df433e22cd34cc2cb52a75 mvn test
Security framework of XStream not explicitly initialized, using predefined black list on your own risk.
[Field error in object 'term' on field 'conceptReferenceTermMaps[1].termB': rejected value [weight term(WGT234)]; codes [ConceptReferenceTerm.termToTerm.alreadyMapped.term.conceptReferenceTermMaps[1].termB,ConceptReferenceTerm.termToTerm.alreadyMapped.term.conceptReferenceTermMaps.termB,ConceptReferenceTerm.termToTerm.alreadyMapped.conceptReferenceTermMaps[1].termB,ConceptReferenceTerm.termToTerm.alreadyMapped.conceptReferenceTermMaps.termB,ConceptReferenceTerm.termToTerm.alreadyMapped.termB,,ConceptReferenceTerm.termToTerm.alreadyMapped]; arguments []; default message [Cannot map a reference term multiple times to the same concept reference term]]
[Fatal Error] :1:67: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
[Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.
Security framework of XStream not explicitly initialized, using predefined black list on your own risk.
Security framework of XStream not explicitly initialized, using predefined black list on your own risk.
Security framework of XStream not explicitly initialized, using predefined black list on your own risk.
Exception in thread "Thread-3" org.openmrs.api.APIException: contextDAO is null
        at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.getContextDAO(
        at org.openmrs.api.context.Context.closeSession(
        at org.openmrs.web.WebDaemon$