OpenMRS Core 2.6

Build: #2 was successful Rebuilt by Namanya Abert

Stages & jobs

  1. Build

  2. Test

  3. Deploy

  4. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Jira issues

This page shows the Jira issues that have been linked to this build. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments, as well as issues manually linked to this build.

Related issues (12 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Operations
Unknown Issue Type RA-1769 Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Enhancement TRUNK-6028 Add Ability to run Integration Tests on MySQL and PostgreSQL Using TestContainers Closed Daniel Kayiwa Core 2.6.0 113 related builds
Enhancement TRUNK-6070 Add Patient Program to Patient Identifier Closed Samuel Lubwama Core 2.6.0 10 related builds
Enhancement TRUNK-6081 Add not null constraint to encounter_diagnosis.dx_rank column Closed Wikum Weerakutti Core 2.6.0 5 related builds
New Feature TRUNK-6083 Build and deploy docker image for openmrs-core Closed raff Core 2.6.0 30 related builds
Enhancement TRUNK-6133 Allow modules to listen for http session events Closed Mike Seaton Core 2.6.0, Core 2.5.6 10 related builds
Bug TRUNK-6141 Updating User in UserContext should not unset location Closed Ian Bacher Core 2.6.0, Core 2.4.6, Core 2.5.8 7 related builds
Bug TRUNK-6143 Re-saving a previously saved order group throws a StackOverflowException Closed Mike Seaton Core 2.6.0, Core 2.5.8 6 related builds
Enhancement TRUNK-6145 Allow validation to be disabled only within the current thread Closed Mike Seaton Core 2.6.0, Core 2.5.8 6 related builds
Bug TRUNK-6146 Incorrect ISO code for Khmer locale Closed Romain Buisson Core 2.6.0, Core 2.5.8 6 related builds
Bug TRUNK-6147 Secret question/answer are unusable after password change Closed Mike Seaton Core 2.6.0, Core 2.5.8 6 related builds
Unknown Issue Type UTF-8 Could not obtain issue details from Jira