Build: #404 was successful Changes by Wyclif Luyima

Stages & jobs

  1. Build and Tests

Build result summary


Queue duration
4 minutes
19 minutes
fc0962f955e7d99413b3ec6364cfa0ec3948e6e4 fc0962f955e7d99413b3ec6364cfa0ec3948e6e4
Total tests
First to pass since
#402 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima)


Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Wyclif Luyima Wyclif Luyima fc0962f955e7d99413b3ec6364cfa0ec3948e6e4 fc0962f955e7d99413b3ec6364cfa0ec3948e6e4 Revert "TRUNK-4490: EncounterValidator should validate presence of encounter type"
This reverts commit b548282ca5a74d0e42492730661606fb0e475bea.


Fixed tests 1035
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
Successful ConceptWordTest makeConceptWords_shouldReturnSeparateConceptWordObjectsForTheSameWordInDifferentConceptNames History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful ConceptWordTest makeConceptWords_shouldNotIncludeVoidedNames History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldFailWhenUnitIsUnknown History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldAddMinutesWhenUnitIsMinutes History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldFailWhenUnitIsRecurringAndFrequencyIsUnknown History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest getCode_shouldReturnNullIfTheConceptHasNoMappingToTheSNOMEDCTSource History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldAddDaysWhenUnitIsDays History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldAddYearsWhenUnitIsYears History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldAddTimeBasedOnFrequencyWhenUnitIsRecurringInterval History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldAddMonthsWhenUnitIsMonths History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest getCode_shouldReturnTheCodeForTheTermOfTheMappingToTheSNOMEDCTSource History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldAddSecondsWhenUnitIsSeconds History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful DurationTest addToDate_shouldAddHoursWhenUnitIsHours History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful OpenmrsProfileExcludeFilterTest match_shouldIncludeBeanForOpenmrs1_10AndLater History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful OpenmrsProfileExcludeFilterTest match_shouldNotIncludeBeanForOpenmrs1_10AndLaterIfModuleMissing History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful OpenmrsProfileExcludeFilterTest match_shouldNotIncludeBeanForOpenmrsFrom1_6To1_8 History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful OpenmrsProfileIncludeFilterTest match_shouldNotCreateBeanForOpenmrs1_6To1_7 History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful OpenmrsProfileIncludeFilterTest match_shouldCreateBeanForOpenmrs1_8AndLater History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalProperty_shouldReturnDefaultValueIfPropertyNameDoesNotExist History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getSystemVariables_shouldReturnAllRegisteredSystemVariables History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalPropertyValue_shouldReturnValueInTheSpecifiedIntegerType History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getSearchLocales_shouldIncludeCurrentlySelectedFullLocaleAndLangugage History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getAllowedLocales_shouldReturnAtLeastOneLocaleIfNoLocalesDefinedInDatabaseYet History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getPresentationLocales_shouldNotReturnMoreLocalesThanMessageSourceServiceLocales History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest executeSQL_shouldExecuteSqlContainingGroupBy History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalProperty_shouldGetPropertyInCaseInsensitiveWay History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest setImplementationId_shouldNotFailIfGivenImplementationIdIsNull History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest saveGlobalProperties_shouldSaveAllGlobalPropertiesToTheDatabase History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getImplementationId_shouldReturnNullIfNoImplementationIdIsDefinedYet History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest saveGlobalProperty_shouldOverwriteGlobalPropertyIfExists History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest saveGlobalProperty_shouldCreateGlobalPropertyInDatabase History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest saveGlobalProperties_shouldAssignUuidToAllNewProperties History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getAllowedLocales_shouldNotFailIfNotGlobalPropertyForLocalesAllowedDefinedYet History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest setImplementationId_shouldThrowAPIExceptionIfGivenEmptyImplementationIdObject History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getSearchLocales_shouldIncludeUsersProficientLocales History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalPropertiesByPrefix_shouldReturnAllRelevantGlobalPropertiesInTheDatabase History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalPropertyByUuid_shouldReturnNullIfNoObjectFoundWithGivenUuid History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getAllowedLocales_shouldNotReturnDuplicatesEvenIfTheGlobalPropertyHasThem History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalPropertyValue_shouldReturnDefaultValueForMissingProperty History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalPropertyByUuid_shouldFindObjectGivenValidUuid History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalProperty_shouldNotFailWithNullDefaultValue History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getAllGlobalProperties_shouldReturnAllGlobalPropertiesInTheDatabase History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest purgeGlobalProperty_shouldDeleteGlobalPropertyFromDatabase History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest saveGlobalProperties_shouldSavePropertiesWithCaseDifferenceOnly History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest saveGlobalProperties_shouldNotFailWithEmptyList History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest saveGlobalProperty_shouldSaveAGlobalPropertyWhoseTypedValueIsHandledByACustomDatatype History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalPropertyObject_shouldReturnNullWhenNoGlobalPropertyMatchGivenPropertyName History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getSearchLocales_shouldExcludeNotAllowedLocales History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest setImplementationId_shouldThrowAPIExceptionIfGivenACaretInTheImplementationIdCode History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec
Successful AdministrationServiceTest getGlobalPropertyValue_shouldReturnValueInTheSpecifiedDoubleType History
Failing since build #403 (Changes by Wyclif Luyima) Integration Tests < 1 sec

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-4490Could not obtain issue details from Jira