Build: #408 did not start Changes by Wyclif Luyima

Stages & jobs

  1. Build and Tests

Code commits


  • Wyclif Luyima

    Wyclif Luyima 37e9504a8e15953a27e0d55801bcfc9007bfffe2

    TRUNK-4565 - Null Pointer Exception for some DrugOrders
    TRUNK-4565 - andreweskeclarke - NullPointer can still happen if the DB row has a null value, replace mixed up booleans

    TRUNK-4565 - andreweskeclarke - Use appropriate clone for discontinue test

    TRUNK-4565 - andreweskeclarke - When comparing DrugOrder drugs during dicontinuations, check if both should be null, otherwise check both for equality

    • api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/api/impl/ (version 37e9504a8e15953a27e0d55801bcfc9007bfffe2)
    • api/src/test/java/org/openmrs/api/ (version 37e9504a8e15953a27e0d55801bcfc9007bfffe2)