Test framework for reference application to be shared with other Openmrs derivative projects

Build: #95 was successful Run by child build REFAPP-OMODDISTRO

Code commits


  • Daniel Kayiwa

    Daniel Kayiwa 6263f31dd4d48c17e68c779ba5b0bd0e58df3168

    Merge pull request #6 from cardy31/master
    Update Selenium Dependency

  • cardy31 <rob.cardy.31@gmail.com>

    cardy31 <rob.cardy.31@gmail.com> c9217367ced1f55386091f968b3c14c74446f245

    Update Selenium Dependency
    - Updated Selenium to 2.52.0
    - This allows the tests to work on Firefox 45
    - Also fixed a typo: stopWebDribver to stopWebDriver

    • pom.xml (version c9217367ced1f55386091f968b3c14c74446f245)
    • src/main/java/org/openmrs/uitestframework/test/TestBase.java (version c9217367ced1f55386091f968b3c14c74446f245)