Builds and runs unit tests. More details of the release in

Build: #1577 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Test results

  • 1,869 tests in total
  • 6 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 3 minutes taken in total.

The following 1,863 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldCreateANewOrderType History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldEditAnOrderType History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldGetAnOrderTypeByName History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldGetAnOrderTypeByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldListAllOrderTypes History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldListAllOrderTypesIncludingRetiredOnesIfIncludeAllIsSetToTrue History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldPurgeAnOrderType History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldRetireAnOrderType History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldReturnTheAuditInfoForTheFullRepresentation History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderTypeController1_10Test shouldSearchAndReturnAListOfOrderTypeMatchingTheQueryString History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderableController1_10Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderableController1_10Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderableController1_10Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderableController1_10Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderableController1_10Test shouldReturnDrugOrderTypeOnly History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderableController1_10Test shouldReturnOrderableConceptClasses History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderableController1_10Test shouldReturnOrdersWithDrugConceptOnly History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldExcludeVoided History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldTransitPatientState History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldUpdateExistingState History
< 1 sec
Successful ProgramEnrollmentController1_10Test shouldVoidPatientState History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugIngredientController1_11Test shouldAddIngredientToDrug History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugIngredientController1_11Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugIngredientController1_11Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugIngredientController1_11Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugIngredientController1_11Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugIngredientController1_11Test shouldListIngredientsForADrug History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterRoleController1_11Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterRoleController1_11Test shouldGetAnEncounterRoleByName History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterRoleController1_11Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterRoleController1_11Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterRoleController1_11Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ObsController1_11Test shouldCreateAnObsWithFormFieldNamespaceAndFormFieldPath History
< 1 sec
Successful ObsController1_11Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful ObsController1_11Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ObsController1_11Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ObsController1_11Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugResource1_12Test asRepresentation_shouldReturnValidDefaultRepresentation History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugResource1_12Test asRepresentation_shouldReturnValidFullRepresentation History
< 1 sec
Successful DrugResource1_12Test asRepresentation_shouldReturnValidRefRepresentation History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderController1_12Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful OrderController1_12Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
  • Showing 251-300 of 1863