More details of the release in

Build: #3297 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Test results

  • 469 tests in total
  • 4 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 41 seconds taken in total.

The following 465 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnNullIfNoVisitNote History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnNullIfPatientDischargedOnDate History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnNullIfPatientNotAdmittedOnDate History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnNullOnMostRecentEncounterIfNoEncounters History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnOldestNonVoidedEncounter History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnStartDateWithTimeComponentRemoved History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnStopDateWithTimeComponentRemoved History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldReturnUniqueDiagnoses History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitDomainWrapperTest shouldUseTheStopDateOfTheVisitForEncounterStopDateRange History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitResponseMapperTest testMapsNullVisitToNull History
< 1 sec
Successful VisitResponseMapperTest testMapsVisit History
< 1 sec
Successful EmrConceptSearchControllerTest shouldHandleEmptyListOfDiagnosesConceptSource History
< 1 sec
Successful EmrConceptSearchControllerTest shouldNotDoLikeSearchByCode History
3 secs
Successful EmrConceptSearchControllerTest shouldSearchByCodeExact History
< 1 sec
Successful EmrConceptSearchControllerTest shouldSearchByName History
< 1 sec
  • Showing 451-465 of 465