Builds and runs unit tests. More details of the release in

Build: #1595 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Test results

  • 1,872 tests in total
  • 6 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 4 minutes taken in total.

The following 1,866 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful EncounterTypeController1_8Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterTypeController1_8Test shouldListAllEncounterTypes History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterTypeController1_8Test shouldPurgeAEncounterType History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterTypeController1_8Test shouldRetireAEncounterType History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterTypeController1_8Test shouldReturnTheAuditInfoForTheFullRepresentation History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterTypeController1_8Test shouldSearchAndReturnAListOfEncounterTypesMatchingTheQueryString History
< 1 sec
Successful EncounterTypeController1_8Test shouldUnRetireAnEncounterType History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldCreateNewFieldType History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldPurgeFieldType History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldUnRetireAFieldType History
< 1 sec
Successful FieldTypeController1_8Test shouldUpdateFieldType History
< 1 sec
Successful FormController1_8Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful FormController1_8Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful FormController1_8Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful FormController1_8Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful FormController1_8Test shouldUnRetireAForm History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test adt_a28_shouldCreatePatient History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test enqueHl7Message_shouldEnqueueHl7InQueueMessageInJSONFormat History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test enqueHl7Message_shouldEnqueueHl7InQueueMessageInPlainFormat History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test enqueHl7Message_shouldFailIfSourceDoesNotExist History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful HL7MessageController1_8Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldCreateALocationTag History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldGetALocationTagByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldListAll History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldPurgeLocationTag History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldRetireLocationTag History
< 1 sec
Successful LocationTagController1_8Test shouldUpdateLocationTag History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldDoNothingIfAtlasModuleAlreadyStarted History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldDoNothingIfAtlasModuleAlreadyStopped History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldFailIfTryingToStopNonExistentModule History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldGetAll History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldGetDefaultByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldGetFullByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldGetRefByUuid History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldInstallModule History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldNotStopRestModule History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldRestartAllModules History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldStartAllModules History
< 1 sec
Successful ModuleActionController1_8Test shouldStartAtlasModule History
< 1 sec
  • Showing 401-450 of 1866