Build: #181 failed

Job: Default Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Deploy to production

    Requires a user to start manually

Test results

  • 30 tests in total
  • 2 tests failed
  • 2 failures are new
  • 3 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 6 seconds taken in total.

Build 181 has the following 2 errors: 2 new failure(s) occurred since the previous build.

New test failures 2
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed ModulusTest testHandleModuleJson History
< 1 sec
Expected: is (hasProperty("version", <1.1>) and hasProperty("releaseDatetime", is <2009-10-13T10:58:12Z>) and hasProperty("downloadUri", is ""))
     but: hasProperty("version", <1.1>)  property 'version' was <1.0>

Expected: is (hasProperty("version", <1.1>) and hasProperty("releaseDatetime", is <2009-10-13T10:58:12Z>) and hasProperty("downloadUri", is ""))
     but: hasProperty("version", <1.1>)  property 'version' was <1.0>
	at org.openmrs.addonindex.backend.ModulusTest.testHandleModuleJson(
Collapse Failed OpenmrsMavenRepoTest testHandlingNexusXml History
< 1 sec
Expected: is "1.0"
     but: was "1.7"

Expected: is "1.0"
     but: was "1.7"
	at org.openmrs.addonindex.backend.OpenmrsMavenRepoTest.testHandlingNexusXml(