Runs unit test and deploys artifacts to maven repo. More details of the release in

Build: #4953 failed Changes by Michael Seaton <>

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Test results

  • 108 tests in total
  • 6 tests were fixed
  • 31 seconds taken in total.
Fixed tests 6
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
Successful VisitDatesFragmentControllerTest shouldNotChangeStartOrStopDatetimeIfSettingToSameDay History
Failing since build #4952 (Changes by Michael Seaton <>) Default Job < 1 sec
Successful VisitDatesFragmentControllerTest shouldSetTimeToNowIfChangingVisitEndToToday History
Failing since build #4952 (Changes by Michael Seaton <>) Default Job < 1 sec
Successful VisitDatesFragmentControllerTest shouldSetToastMessageOnSetDuration History
Failing since build #4952 (Changes by Michael Seaton <>) Default Job < 1 sec
Successful VisitDatesFragmentControllerTest shouldNotChangeStopDatetimeIfSettingToSameDayAndToday History
Failing since build #4952 (Changes by Michael Seaton <>) Default Job < 1 sec
Successful VisitDatesFragmentControllerTest shouldSetVisitStartAndStopDates History
Failing since build #4952 (Changes by Michael Seaton <>) Default Job < 1 sec
Successful VisitDetailsFragmentControllerTest shouldReturnEncountersForVisit History
Failing since build #4952 (Changes by Michael Seaton <>) Default Job 2 secs