Runs unit test and deploys artifacts to maven repo. More details of the release in

Build: #2319 was successful

Job: Release to maven did not start

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Code commits


  • Darius Jazayeri <>

    Darius Jazayeri <> 4c570a78aee3adb61eae887240b5abe1e80eecf3

    Merge pull request #16 from mekomsolutions/master
    RA-940: Add Merge Patient app privilege via the Core Apps module

  • Romain Buisson <>

    Romain Buisson <> 8bc1337c7c43c499cf8a5b476cf1955cb26496df

    RA-940: Add Merge Patient app privilege via the Core Apps module
            modified:   omod/src/main/resources/config.xml

    • omod/src/main/resources/config.xml (version 8bc1337c7c43c499cf8a5b476cf1955cb26496df)