Builds and publishes the O3 Frontend

Build: #1504 failed

Job: Default Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Job result summary

2 minutes
7a40ad9c1f9efe2993560e3806d18f9a2b6f7d28 7a40ad9c1f9efe2993560e3806d18f9a2b6f7d28
Fixed in
#1505 (Manual run by Github Actions)
No failed test found. A possible compilation error occurred.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

#7 [auth] library/nginx:pull token for
#7 DONE 0.0s

#8 [auth] library/node:pull token for
#8 DONE 0.0s

#9 [linux/amd64 internal] load metadata for
#9 ...

#10 [linux/amd64 internal] load metadata for
#10 DONE 1.2s

#11 [linux/arm64 internal] load metadata for
#11 DONE 1.2s

#9 [linux/amd64 internal] load metadata for
#9 DONE 1.2s

#12 [linux/amd64 stage-1 1/8] FROM
#12 resolve
#12 resolve 0.2s done
#12 DONE 0.2s

#13 [linux/arm64 stage-1 1/8] FROM
#13 resolve 0.2s done
#13 DONE 0.2s

#14 [linux/amd64 dev 1/8] FROM
#14 resolve 0.2s done
#14 DONE 0.2s

#15 [internal] load build context
#15 transferring context: 7.01kB done
#15 DONE 0.2s

#14 [linux/amd64 dev 1/8] FROM
#14 DONE 0.5s

#14 [linux/amd64 dev 1/8] FROM
#14 sha256:fdd316e9b466cfe32b99c16ab15ffa368056b7cc2cac442ffe71a21ed72c5af4 445B / 445B 0.1s done
#14 sha256:e27d763222484061b437681bbee7cd895e8d87309da7ac7a908ba3e77d284802 1.26MB / 1.26MB 0.1s done
#14 sha256:38a8310d387e375e0ec6fabe047a9149e8eb214073db9f461fee6251fd936a75 3.64MB / 3.64MB 0.1s done
#14 sha256:1b970ccead88ff493a9a12d0acf237ca14ceddd7c1c276350396f860b42d88b0 27.30MB / 40.00MB 0.2s
#14 extracting sha256:38a8310d387e375e0ec6fabe047a9149e8eb214073db9f461fee6251fd936a75
#14 sha256:1b970ccead88ff493a9a12d0acf237ca14ceddd7c1c276350396f860b42d88b0 40.00MB / 40.00MB 0.3s done
#14 extracting sha256:38a8310d387e375e0ec6fabe047a9149e8eb214073db9f461fee6251fd936a75 0.2s done
#14 extracting sha256:1b970ccead88ff493a9a12d0acf237ca14ceddd7c1c276350396f860b42d88b0
#14 extracting sha256:1b970ccead88ff493a9a12d0acf237ca14ceddd7c1c276350396f860b42d88b0 1.4s done
#14 extracting sha256:e27d763222484061b437681bbee7cd895e8d87309da7ac7a908ba3e77d284802 0.1s done
#14 extracting sha256:fdd316e9b466cfe32b99c16ab15ffa368056b7cc2cac442ffe71a21ed72c5af4 0.0s done
#14 DONE 2.4s

#16 [linux/amd64 dev 2/8] RUN mkdir -p /app
#16 DONE 0.3s

#17 [linux/amd64 dev 3/8] WORKDIR /app
#17 DONE 0.1s

#18 [linux/amd64 dev 4/8] COPY spa-assemble-config.json .
#18 DONE 0.1s

#19 [linux/amd64 dev 5/8] COPY spa-build-config.json .
#19 DONE 0.1s

#20 [linux/amd64 dev 6/8] RUN npx --legacy-peer-deps openmrs@next assemble --manifest --mode config --config spa-assemble-config.json --target ./spa
#20 1.908 npm warn exec The following package was not found and will be installed: openmrs@6.0.1-pre.2564
#20 115.4 npm error code ETARGET
#20 115.4 npm error notarget No matching version found for @openmrs/esm-framework@6.0.1-pre.2564.
#20 115.4 npm error notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
#20 115.4 npm error notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
#20 115.4 npm notice
#20 115.4 npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.8.2 -> 10.9.2
#20 115.4 npm notice Changelog:
#20 115.4 npm notice To update run: npm install -g npm@10.9.2
#20 115.4 npm notice
#20 115.4 npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /root/.npm/_logs/2024-12-15T17_12_08_220Z-debug-0.log
#20 ERROR: process "/bin/sh -c npx --legacy-peer-deps openmrs@${APP_SHELL_VERSION:-next} assemble --manifest --mode config --config spa-assemble-config.json --target ./spa" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
> [linux/amd64 dev 6/8] RUN npx --legacy-peer-deps openmrs@next assemble --manifest --mode config --config spa-assemble-config.json --target ./spa:
#20 115.4 npm error code ETARGET
#20 115.4 npm error notarget No matching version found for @openmrs/esm-framework@6.0.1-pre.2564.
#20 115.4 npm error notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
#20 115.4 npm error notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
#20 115.4 npm notice
#20 115.4 npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.8.2 -> 10.9.2
#20 115.4 npm notice Changelog:
#20 115.4 npm notice To update run: npm install -g npm@10.9.2
#20 115.4 npm notice
#20 115.4 npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /root/.npm/_logs/2024-12-15T17_12_08_220Z-debug-0.log
  14 |     
  15 |     ARG CACHE_BUST
  16 | >>> RUN npx --legacy-peer-deps openmrs@${APP_SHELL_VERSION:-next} assemble --manifest --mode config --config spa-assemble-config.json --target ./spa
  17 |     RUN npx --legacy-peer-deps openmrs@${APP_SHELL_VERSION:-next} build --build-config spa-build-config.json --target ./spa
  18 |     RUN if [ ! -f ./spa/index.html ]; then echo 'Build failed. Please check the logs above for details. This may have happened because of an update to a library that OpenMRS depends on.'; exit 1; fi
error: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c npx --legacy-peer-deps openmrs@${APP_SHELL_VERSION:-next} assemble --manifest --mode config --config spa-assemble-config.json --target ./spa" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1