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Code commits


  • paul kayongo <>

    paul kayongo <> abba94daa00595b83f189231e4047fdee1ea7aa0

    OCLOMRS-522: When logout is clicked, the flash message is missing a space (#410)

    • src/components/Navbar.js (version abba94daa00595b83f189231e4047fdee1ea7aa0)
    • src/tests/Navbar.test.js (version abba94daa00595b83f189231e4047fdee1ea7aa0)
  • alexkayabula <>

    alexkayabula <> c3b0f838ff077f5efbeb456563b01428bd8eafd0

    OCLOMRS-516: When creating a dictionary the default cursor position should be set in the dictionary name field (#412)

    • src/components/dashboard/components/dictionary/common/DictionaryModal.jsx (version c3b0f838ff077f5efbeb456563b01428bd8eafd0)
  • alexkayabula <>

    alexkayabula <> 53a3f7869d5bd384ed95a763170dbc9735dd88b8

    OCLOMRS-510: A user should be redirected to the login page after a network error occurs (#413)

    • src/redux/actions/auth/authActions.js (version 53a3f7869d5bd384ed95a763170dbc9735dd88b8)
    • src/tests/Login/actions/login.test.js (version 53a3f7869d5bd384ed95a763170dbc9735dd88b8)