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Jira issues

This page shows the Jira issues that have been linked to this build. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments, as well as issues manually linked to this build.

Related issues (3 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Operations
Bug OCLOMRS-510 A user should be redirected to the login page after a network error occurs Closed Alex Joseph 1.0.0: MVP 1 related build
Enhancement OCLOMRS-516 OCLOMRS-516: When creating a dictionary the default cursor position should be set in the dictionary name field Closed Alex Joseph 1.0.0: MVP 1 related build
Bug OCLOMRS-522 When logout is clicked, the flash message is missing a space Closed Paul Kayongo 1.0.0: MVP 1 related build