Deploys Reference Application SNAPSHOT to maven
Recent plan failures
Failed In | Fixed In | Time Taken To Fix | ||
#14512 |
Child of CSM-CSM-3612
#14516 |
Child of CSM-CSM-3615
4 builds 2 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes |
#14508 |
Child of RA-RA-4288
#14509 |
Child of CSM-CSM-3609
1 build 6 hours, 40 minutes |
#14497 |
Changes by Wikum Weerakutti <>
#14506 |
Child of CSM-CSM-3608
9 builds 3 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes |
#14493 |
Child of CSM-CSM-3600
#14495 |
Child of CSM-CSM-3603
2 builds 3 days, 30 seconds |
- Average time to fix a failure: 2 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes
- Average number of builds between fixes: 4 builds
- The longest time taken to fix a failure is 3 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes, from failure starting in build #14497.
- The greatest number of builds taken to fix a failure is 9, from failure starting in build #14497.