More details of the release in

Build: #595 was successful Changes by Mike Seaton

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Release

    Requires a user to start manually

Code commits


  • Mike Seaton

    Mike Seaton d504438ad8247b176040e6774a54b5a5a71d0d40

    Remove snapshot dependencies to legacy ui and openmrs-api 2.0, fix 1.10 test profile to use the appropriate minimum version supported.

    • api-2.0/pom.xml (version d504438ad8247b176040e6774a54b5a5a71d0d40)
    • omod/pom.xml (version d504438ad8247b176040e6774a54b5a5a71d0d40)
    • pom.xml (version d504438ad8247b176040e6774a54b5a5a71d0d40)