Sonar metrics for OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #1201 was successful Scheduled with changes by teleivo <> and Ivo Ulrich <>

Code commits


  • Ivo Ulrich <>

    Ivo Ulrich <> 30b724f57fccf95fdb02c91a7724af9f09db988b

    Merge pull request #2085 from teleivo/ide-templates
    Add eclipse and intellij templates for unit tests

  • teleivo <>

    teleivo <> deed24e61c638d9214486851362b6e401dc6627c

    Add eclipse and intellij templates for unit tests
    in preparation of the move away from the custom @should annotations and
    the need for the test generator plugin add eclipse and intellij templates
    to quickly create the scaffold for unit tests

    * add template for creating @Before setUp()
    * add template for creating @Test for standard unit test
    * add template for creating @Test for unit test testing that a method
    throws a certain exception with the org.junit.rules.ExpectedException

    also added templates for logging to help get rid of the confusion
    when logging. people use commons or log4j instead of the logging facade
    * add template for declaring slf4j Logger for a class
    * add templates for standard
    * add templates for parametrized
    meaning"some message {}", myParameter)

    • pom.xml (version deed24e61c638d9214486851362b6e401dc6627c)
    • tools/src/main/resources/eclipse/templates.xml (version deed24e61c638d9214486851362b6e401dc6627c)
    • tools/src/main/resources/intellij/templates.xml (version deed24e61c638d9214486851362b6e401dc6627c)