Sonar metrics for OpenMRS Core Master

Build: #1666 was successful Scheduled with changes by teleivo <> and Ivo Ulrich <>

Build result summary


Queue duration
14 seconds
17 minutes
57d54fb44604e285f360ca315389beb821edd1c6 57d54fb44604e285f360ca315389beb821edd1c6
Successful since
#1634 ()

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Ivo Ulrich <> Ivo Ulrich <> 57d54fb44604e285f360ca315389beb821edd1c6 57d54fb44604e285f360ca315389beb821edd1c6 Merge pull request #2655 from teleivo/TRUNK-5388
TRUNK-5388 Make ModuleFileParser MessageSourceService dependency explicit
teleivo <> teleivo <> 81b0aa16a2c897d49d79cd55c122340da40c0386 81b0aa16a2c897d49d79cd55c122340da40c0386 TRUNK-5388 Remove duplicate file validation in ModuleFileParser
teleivo <> teleivo <> 63a076ed890f0a78b8a70e03dace5f1ff1bd9b44 63a076ed890f0a78b8a70e03dace5f1ff1bd9b44 TRUNK-5388 Replace deprecated use of ModuleFileParser
with ModuleFileParser(MessageSourceService)

* in ModuleFactory
* in ModuleExtensionsTest
teleivo <> teleivo <> e4be754bf550acf52361897c7c1ab32ed623e8fb e4be754bf550acf52361897c7c1ab32ed623e8fb TRUNK-5388 Make ModuleFileParser MessageSourceService dependency explicit
* add constructor ModuleFileParser(MessageSourceService) to clearly
state dependencies, which enables easier testing by passing in a mock or
use of a different implementation of a MessageSourceService
* add method ModuleFileParser.parse(File)
* add method ModuleFileparser.parse(InputStream)
which provide the same functionality/use the same implementation

* deprecate all other constructors (3 in total)
* deprecate parse() in favor of parse(File), there is no need to keep
the file as state. This way we can create one parser and reuse it by
just passing in a different file to parse

* move all tests which do not need the Context to be there to the
ModuleFileParserUnitTest which is now BaseContextMockTest and uses mocks
of the MessageSourceService
* one test still needs to stay in the BaseContextSensitive test since
the Context.getLocale() is still called. Did not add Locale as
dependency since I think this specific method getMessage(String key,
Object[] args) should be implementated in the MessageSourceService
as is getMessage(String) which abstracts away the users current locale
for us

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeTRUNK-5388Could not obtain issue details from Jira