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Jira Issues

This page lists the Jira issues that have been linked to builds related to this plan, ordered by last built. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments for builds, as well as issues manually linked to builds.

Jira Issues (206 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Last Built
Task EA-29 Add search handler for last viewed patients. Closed Paweł Muchowski 1.4 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Unknown Issue Type UHM-169 Could not obtain issue details from Jira Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-33 PatientDomainWrapper: getExtraIdentifiers() should return all non-voided extra identifiers, not just the preferred identfier for each type Closed Mark Goodrich 1.4 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-31 Peformance Improvements for Awaiting Admission Query Closed Mark Goodrich 1.4 2 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-30 CodedOrFreeTextAnswer should format free text answers with double quotes Closed Darius Jazayeri 1.4 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
New Feature TRUNK-4445 Support custom DosingTypes Closed Mihir Khatwani Platform 1.10.0, Platform 1.11.0, Platform 2.0.0 7 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
New Feature EA-28 add getEarliestCheckInEncounter to VisitDomainWrapper Closed Mark Goodrich 1.4 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-27 GeneralUtils.getLastViewedPatients should not return deleted patients Closed Darius Jazayeri 1.4 2 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
Story EA-26 Rename getCheckInEncounter in VisitDomainWrapper to getMostRecentCheckInEncounter Closed Unassigned 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-25 Add dosingInstructions to EncounterTransaction Closed Vinay Venu 1.3 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Task EA-24 Remove TestApplicationContext, test-hibernate.cfg.xml *dispositionConfig.json from emrapi jar Closed Unassigned 2 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-21 Make EncounterTransaction compatible with OpenMRS 1.10 Closed Vinay Venu 1.3 4 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
Task EA-23 Move PrinterService out of EMR-API module Closed Mark Goodrich 1.2 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-22 Remove MockDrugOrderMapper and MockEncounterDrugOrderServiceHelper emrapi jar Closed Mark Goodrich 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Task EA-20 Upgrade PatientProfile and PersonImage resources to support 1.10 Closed Vinay Venu 1.2 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-18 numberPerDosage is not Double but Integer Closed Bharti Nagpal 1.2 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-16 Improve Awaiting Admission Query so that it ignores visits with an obs of "Admission Decision" = "Deny" Closed Mark Goodrich 1.2 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Unknown Issue Type UHM-1373 Could not obtain issue details from Jira Last built: 10 years ago
New Feature EA-17 Allow Dispositions to be fetched based on Visit context Closed Mark Goodrich 2 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
Bug EA-15 Remove PIH-specific usage of "consult" terminology Closed Mark Goodrich 1.2 4 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
New Feature EA-14 Add getMostRecentConsultEncounter() and hasConsultEncounter() to visit domain wrapper Closed Mark Goodrich 1.2 1 related build Last built: 10 years ago
Unknown Issue Type UHM-1334 Could not obtain issue details from Jira Last built: 10 years ago
Unknown Issue Type UHM-1322 Could not obtain issue details from Jira Last built: 10 years ago
Unknown Issue Type UHM-1025 Could not obtain issue details from Jira Last built: 10 years ago
New Feature EA-10 Add DispositionType to a Disposition Closed Mark Goodrich 1.2 2 related builds Last built: 10 years ago
  • Showing 176-200 of 206