1. Deployment projects
  2. Deploy Trunk Nightly
  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-987

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge

Deployment status

EnvironmentStatusDeployment resultCompletedTriggerActions
Sourceforge MirrorREPLACEDnow at openmrs-trunk-3541FailedLogsScheduled

Commits tested by

The commits that were used to produce this release, were also built in the following build results

BuildPlanTest results
#81Allergy API › Allergy API50 passed
#200Allergy UI Module › Allergy UI Module1 passed
#165App Framework › App Framework Module Latest69 passed
#1081App UI Module › App UI Module3 passed
#17Appointments Scheduling › Appointments Scheduling Module Latest269 passed
#47Appointments Scheduling UI › Appointments Scheduling UI Module Latest6 passed
#17Atlas › Atlas Module19 passed
#2006Core Apps Module › Core Apps Module Latest43 passed
#1080EMR API module › EMR API module348 passed
#125Event Module › Event Module Latest32 passed
#24Form Entry App Module › Form Entry App Module3 passed
#219HTML Form Entry › HTML Form Entry 3.x (1.9 compatible)442 passed
#1163HTML Form Entry UI › htmlformentryui module9 of 20 failed
#128Idgen Module › Idgen Module Latest27 passed
#549Javadocs › Publish Trunk JavadocsNo tests found
#6Module Parent POM › Module Parent POMNo tests found
#985OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core Master7 of 3471 failed
#3196Reference Application › Distribution 2.xNo tests found
#1375Reference Application Module › Reference Application Module Latest15 passed
#1348Reference Demo Data › Reference Demo Data Module3 passed
#933Reference Metadata module › Reference Metadata module3 passed
#1939Registration App module › Registration App module24 passed
#210Registration Core module › Registration Core module21 passed
#468Reporting Module › Reporting Module637 passed
#376Reporting REST › Reporting REST27 passed
#394Rest Webservices › Rest Webservices Module953 passed
#571Sonar › OpenMRS Core Master8 of 3420 failed
#549UI Commons › UI Commons ModuleNo tests found
#178UI Framework › UI Framework95 passed
#4XForms Module › XForms Module5 passed
#175ZZ - Test Release › Release test moduleNo tests found

openmrs-trunk-987 details

Deployment project
Deploy Trunk Nightly
Artifacts provided by
Release contents
    No artifacts in this release