1. Deployment projects
  2. Deploy Trunk Nightly
  3. Releases

Release: openmrs-trunk-1391

Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge

Deployment status

EnvironmentStatusDeployment resultCompletedTriggerActions
Sourceforge MirrorREPLACEDnow at openmrs-trunk-3541FailedLogsScheduled

Commits tested by

The commits that were used to produce this release, were also built in the following build results

BuildPlanTest results
#136Admin UI › Admin UI Latest9 passed
#88Allergy API › Allergy API50 passed
#355Allergy UI Module › Allergy UI Module1 passed
#247App Framework › App Framework Module Latest77 passed
#1435App UI Module › App UI Module9 passed
#30Appointments Scheduling › Appointments Scheduling Module Latest269 passed
#121Appointments Scheduling UI › Appointments Scheduling UI Module Latest6 passed
#24Atlas › Atlas Module20 passed
#626Chart Search › ChartSearch Module1 passed
#2837Core Apps Module › Core Apps Module Latest46 passed
#6Data Integrity Module › Data integrity Module8 passed
#1773EMR API module › EMR API module446 passed
#189Event Module › Event Module Latest29 passed
#100FHIR › FHIR Module73 passed
#38Form Entry App Module › Form Entry App Module3 passed
#5Hibernate Compatibility › Hibernate Compatibility ModuleNo tests found
#377HTML Form Entry › HTML Form Entry 3.x (1.9 compatible)521 passed
#2067HTML Form Entry UI › htmlformentryui module20 passed
#197Idgen Module › Idgen Module Latest27 passed
#1068Javadocs › Publish Trunk JavadocsNo tests found
#342Legacy UI › Legacy UI337 passed
#189Metadata Mapping Module › Metadata Mapping Module115 passed
#272Metadata Sharing Module › Metadata Sharing Module181 passed
#10Module Parent POM › Module Parent POMNo tests found
#71Open Concept Lab Module › Open Concept Lab Module43 passed
#20Open Web Apps › Open Web Apps17 passed
#519OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.10.x5698 passed
#346OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.11.x1 of 3058 failed
#69OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.12.x3398 passed
#257OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.9.x1 of 2250 failed
#130OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.0.x3285 passed
#1391OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core Master3400 passed
#385Provider Management Module › Provider Management Module Latest269 passed
#414Radiology › Radiology Module534 passed
#5317Reference Application › Distribution 2.xNo tests found
#2331Reference Application Module › Reference Application Module Latest26 passed
#1983Reference Demo Data › Reference Demo Data Module3 passed
#1628Reference Metadata module › Reference Metadata module3 passed
#3098Registration App module › Registration App module33 passed
#327Registration Core module › Registration Core module71 passed
#20Reporting Module › Reporting Compatibility42 passed
#650Reporting Module › Reporting Module3410 passed
#565Reporting REST › Reporting REST39 passed
#652Rest Webservices › Rest Webservices Module1339 passed
#177Serialization Xstream › Serialization Xstream Module82 passed
#1100Sonar › OpenMRS Core Master3349 passed
#43TRANSIFEX › Commit Translations to GitHubNo tests found
#775UI Commons › UI Commons ModuleNo tests found
#286UI Framework › UI Framework98 passed
#142UITestFramework › UITestFrameworkNo tests found
#57XForms Module › XForms Module5 passed
#175ZZ - Test Release › Release test moduleNo tests found

openmrs-trunk-1391 details

Deployment project
Deploy Trunk Nightly
Artifacts provided by
Release contents
    No artifacts in this release