#67 | Address Hierarchy › Address Hierarchy Module | 91 passed |
#147 | Admin UI › Admin UI Latest | 9 passed |
#95 | Allergy API › Allergy API | 50 passed |
#595 | Allergy UI Module › Allergy UI Module | 1 passed |
#256 | App Framework › App Framework Module Latest | 77 passed |
#1473 | App UI Module › App UI Module | 9 passed |
#34 | Appointments Scheduling › Appointments Scheduling Module Latest | 269 passed |
#141 | Appointments Scheduling UI › Appointments Scheduling UI Module Latest | 6 passed |
#1367 | Artifactory › Distribute modules | No tests found |
#24 | Atlas › Atlas Module | 20 passed |
#12 | AtomFeed › AtomFeed | 36 passed |
#9 | Attachments › Attachments Module | 40 passed |
#27 | Bed Management › Bed Management Module | 125 passed |
#161 | Calculation Module › Calculation Module | 109 passed |
#303 | Chart Search › ChartSearch Module › 1.x | 1 passed |
#1063 | Chart Search › ChartSearch Module | 1 passed |
#3455 | Core Apps Module › Core Apps Module Latest | 55 passed |
#10 | Data Entry Statitistics › Data Entry Statistics | 1 passed |
#31 | Data Integrity Module › Data integrity Module | No tests found |
#8 | Database Backup › Database Backup | 1 passed |
#2076 | EMR API module › EMR API module | 484 passed |
#199 | Event Module › Event Module Latest | 30 passed |
#13 | Ext I18N › Ext I18N | No tests found |
#127 | FHIR › FHIR Module | 85 passed |
#44 | Form Entry App Module › Form Entry App Module | 3 passed |
#5 | Hibernate Compatibility › Hibernate Compatibility Module | No tests found |
#413 | HTML Form Entry › HTML Form Entry 3.x (1.9 compatible) | 529 passed |
#2441 | HTML Form Entry UI › htmlformentryui module | 20 passed |
#180 | HTML Widgets › HTML Widgets Module | 1 passed |
#232 | Idgen Module › Idgen Module Latest | 102 passed |
#1448 | Javadocs › Publish Trunk Javadocs | No tests found |
#437 | Legacy UI › Legacy UI | 345 passed |
#38 | Metadata Deploy Module › Metadata Deploy Module | 136 passed |
#229 | Metadata Mapping Module › Metadata Mapping Module | 129 passed |
#329 | Metadata Sharing Module › Metadata Sharing Module | 181 passed |
#12 | Module Parent POM › Module Parent POM | No tests found |
#110 | Open Concept Lab Module › Open Concept Lab Module | 92 passed |
#38 | Open Web Apps › Open Web Apps | 19 passed |
#527 | OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.10.x | 5710 passed |
#373 | OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.11.x | 3359 passed |
#94 | OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.12.x | 3403 passed |
#267 | OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.9.x | 2474 passed |
#208 | OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.0.x | 1 of 3317 failed |
#66 | OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.1.x | 3480 passed |
#1794 | OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core Master | 3822 passed |
#115 | OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform | No tests found |
#3 | Patient Flags › Patient Flags | 25 passed |
#434 | Provider Management Module › Provider Management Module Latest | 269 passed |
#433 | Radiology › Radiology Module | 556 passed |
#7094 | Reference Application › Distribution 2.x | No tests found |
#2770 | Reference Application Module › Reference Application Module Latest | 26 passed |
#2311 | Reference Demo Data › Reference Demo Data Module | 3 passed |
#1969 | Reference Metadata module › Reference Metadata module | 13 passed |
#3595 | Registration App module › Registration App module | No tests found |
#373 | Registration Core module › Registration Core module | 80 passed |
#33 | Reporting Module › Reporting Compatibility | 47 passed |
#733 | Reporting Module › Reporting Module | 4218 passed |
#656 | Reporting REST › Reporting REST | 47 passed |
#1652 | Reporting UI › reportingui module | 4 passed |
#735 | Rest Webservices › Rest Webservices Module | 1457 passed |
#185 | Serialization Xstream › Serialization Xstream Module | 82 passed |
#1549 | Sonar › OpenMRS Core Master | 3771 passed |
#26 | Sync2 › Sync2 | 35 passed |
#477 | TRANSIFEX › Commit Translations to GitHub | No tests found |
#829 | UI Commons › UI Commons Module | No tests found |
#305 | UI Framework › UI Framework | 99 passed |
#384 | UI Library › UI Library Module Latest | No tests found |
#173 | UITestFramework › UITestFramework | No tests found |
#67 | XForms Module › XForms Module | 5 passed |
#195 | ZZ - Test Release › Release test module | 1 passed |