Deploys nightly Demo and publishes nightly to sourceforge

Deployment status

EnvironmentStatusDeployment resultCompletedTriggerActions
Sourceforge MirrorREPLACEDnow at openmrs-trunk-3541FailedLogsScheduled

Commits tested by

The commits that were used to produce this release, were also built in the following build results

BuildPlanTest results
#208Add-Ons › Build Add On Index Server27 passed
#115Address Hierarchy › Address Hierarchy Module91 passed
#179Admin UI › Admin UI Latest9 passed
#106Allergy API › Allergy API50 passed
#622Allergy UI Module › Allergy UI Module1 passed
#293App Framework › App Framework Module LatestNo tests found
#1599App UI Module › App UI Module11 passed
#71Appointments Scheduling › Appointments Scheduling Module Latest290 passed
#245Appointments Scheduling UI › Appointments Scheduling UI Module Latest6 passed
#15139Artifactory › Distribute modulesNo tests found
#41Atlas › Atlas Module20 passed
#109Attachments › Attachments Module47 passed
#8Audit Log › Audit LogNo tests found
#69Bed Management › Bed Management Module68 of 100 failed
#183Calculation Module › Calculation Module109 passed
#2030Chart Search › ChartSearch Module › 1.x1 passed
#2803Chart Search › ChartSearch Module1 passed
#70COHORT › COHORT97 passed
#18Contrib › Dependency Maven Plugin1 passed
#40Contrib › Packager Maven Plugin10 of 14 failed
#4824Core Apps Module › Core Apps Module Latest6 of 108 failed
#14Data Entry Statitistics › Data Entry Statistics1 passed
#116Data Filter › Data Filter Module Latest155 passed
#19dataexchange › dataexchange3 passed
#72DHIS Connector › DHIS Connector Module11 passed
#1638DocType › DocTypeNo tests found
#18Drawing › DRAW33 passed
#3108EMR API module › EMR API module545 passed
#221Event Module › Event Module Latest30 passed
#397FHIR › FHIR2 Module4973 passed
#15FHIR › Lab On FHIR5 passed
#45Form Entry App Module › Form Entry App Module3 passed
#39Form Filter › Form filter module31 passed
#9Height Weight Tracker › Height Weight Tracker187 passed
#14HTML Form Entry › HTML Form Entry 5.x1520 passed
#3714HTML Form Entry UI › htmlformentryui module34 passed
#222HTML Widgets › HTML Widgets Module1 passed
#282Idgen Module › Idgen Module Latest140 passed
#3225Javadocs › Publish Trunk JavadocsNo tests found
#577Legacy UI › Legacy UI364 passed
#52Metadata Deploy Module › Metadata Deploy Module138 passed
#254Metadata Mapping Module › Metadata Mapping Module129 passed
#381Metadata Sharing Module › Metadata Sharing Module183 passed
#15Module Parent POM › Module Parent POMNo tests found
#203Name Phonetics › Name Phonetics3 passed
#22OAuth 2.0 Login › OAuth 2.0 Login ModuleNo tests found
#13OHRI › OHRI CoreNo tests found
#180Open Concept Lab Module › Open Concept Lab Module112 passed
#69Open Web Apps › Open Web Apps27 passed
#381OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.11.x1 of 3062 failed
#102OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 1.12.x1 of 3106 failed
#254OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.0.x3311 passed
#121OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.1.x3505 passed
#59OpenMRS Core › Openmrs Core 2.2.x4120 passed
#100OpenMRS Core › Openmrs Core 2.3.x4228 passed
#86OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.4.x4433 passed
#90OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.5.x4498 passed
#2OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core 2.6.xNo tests found
#3104OpenMRS Core › OpenMRS Core Master4500 passed
#66OpenMRS environments › Read sync logsNo tests found
#275OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 1.10.xNo tests found
#274OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 1.11.xNo tests found
#280OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 1.12.xNo tests found
#278OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 2.0.xNo tests found
#280OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 2.1.xNo tests found
#203OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 2.2.xNo tests found
#220OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 2.3.xNo tests found
#169OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 2.4.xNo tests found
#84OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform › 2.5.xNo tests found
#1336OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS PlatformNo tests found
#58OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform 2.2.xNo tests found
#146OpenMRS Platform › Openmrs Platform 2.3.xNo tests found
#167OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform 2.4.xNo tests found
#67OpenMRS Platform › OpenMRS Platform 2.5.xNo tests found
#57Operation Theater › Operation Theater117 passed
#217Order Entry UI › Order Entry UI1 passed
#70Order Extension › Order Extension6 passed
#7Order Templates › Order Templates14 passed
#30Patient Flags › Patient Flags25 passed
#33Patient Queueing Module › Patient Queueing16 passed
#5Printer › Printer ModuleNo tests found
#516Provider Management Module › Provider Management Module Latest283 passed
#14Queue Module › Queue Module 1.x100 passed
#285Reference Application › Distribution 2.x › 2.12.xNo tests found
#13020Reference Application › Distribution 2.xNo tests found
#215Reference Application › Distribution 3.xNo tests found
#4029Reference Application Module › Reference Application Module Latest30 passed
#912Reference Demo Data › Reference Demo Data 2.x1 of 1 failed
#3242Reference Demo Data › Reference Demo Data Module3 passed
#3057Reference Metadata module › Reference Metadata module17 passed
#5045Registration App module › Registration App module48 passed
#476Registration Core module › Registration Core module90 passed
#58Reporting Module › Reporting Compatibility47 passed
#897Reporting Module › Reporting Module5271 passed
#802Reporting REST › Reporting REST51 passed
#1948Reporting UI › reportingui module4 passed
#1506Rest Webservices › Rest Webservices Module1856 passed
#466SDK › SDKNo tests found
#197Serialization Xstream › Serialization Xstream Module82 passed
#3359Sonar › OpenMRS Core MasterNo tests found
#82SPA module › SPA Module ReleaseNo tests found
#19Sync › SYNC139 passed
#2250TRANSIFEX › Commit Translations to GitHubNo tests found
#989UI Commons › UI Commons ModuleNo tests found
#341UI Framework › UI Framework106 passed
#433UI Library › UI Library Module LatestNo tests found
#209UITestFramework › UITestFrameworkNo tests found
#73XForms Module › XForms Module5 passed

openmrs-trunk-3104 details

Deployment project
Deploy Trunk Nightly
Artifacts provided by
Release contents
    No artifacts in this release